Monroe County, WI
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The governing body of Monroe County, Wisconsin enacts the following rules to establish its preferences for self-governance.
Monroe County Board Rules
1. Chair. Duties and powers. The chairperson shall exercise the powers and perform the duties as set out in the Wisconsin Statutes, Monroe County Code, Monroe County Board Rules, and as otherwise directed by the Monroe County Board.
a) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the board, conducting the meeting under the rules adopted by the board. The Chair shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with Chapter 19, Subchapter V, Open Meetings of Governmental Bodies of the Wisconsin Statutes.
b) The Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair, shall select the standing committee members except the Highway Committee and as otherwise set out in the county ordinances and state statutes.
c) The Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair, shall have the power to declare an emergency. Said declaration shall be ratified at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the county board or any special meeting scheduled prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. The board shall set the duration of the emergency rules when affirming the declaration.
2. Vice-Chair. Duties and powers. The Vice-Chair shall act as Chair during the absence or disability of the Chair.
3. Meetings.
a) The meetings of the Board shall be: the Organizational Meeting on the third Tuesday in April following the spring election, the Annual Meeting on the first Wednesday of November; all other meetings shall be held the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings shall start at 6:00 p.m., unless the time or date is changed by the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board.
b) The Chair shall call the board to order at the place and time noticed. At the beginning County Clerk shall then conduct a roll call and note whether a quorum is present; a quorum shall be 60% of the members. If a quorum is present, the business of the Board shall proceed. If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall adjourn until a time specified by the Chair and efforts will be made to reach a quorum. If both the Chair and the Vice-Chair are absent, the Board shall elect a temporary Chair.
c) Any person not a member, wanting to address the Board on any matter, shall first obtain leave, such leave to be requested by a member. In case of an objection by a member, such person must have a two-thirds vote of those members present to be allowed to address the board. The Chair, without suspension of the rules, shall be permitted to call upon employees of any department for remarks.
d) Every member, prior to speaking, shall indicate a request to speak electronically or by raising a hand. Priority may be given to electronic requests but the Chair retains discretion in choosing whom to recognize. Upon being recognized by the Chair, a member shall address the Chair and shall not be interrupted except by call to order. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave of the Chair, and a member shall be limited to three minutes for each of their times in addressing the Board. Exempted from this limitation shall be committee chairperson/representative presenting a resolution or answering questions. The Board may, by a two-thirds vote of those members present, suspend the rules limiting time and amount to speak.
e) When a member is called to order, the member shall not proceed to speak, except in explanation, until the Chair determines whether he/she is in order or not.
f) It shall be the duty of all members to vote yes or no unless the Chair excuses a member from a vote for good and sufficient reason before the voting has begun.
g) Every vote upon the levy of a tax or providing an appropriation of money shall be by roll call. All other voting shall be by voice vote, electronic vote, or electronic roll call vote of the majority required, at the discretion of the Chair. Any member may request roll call on any question. All roll call votes shall be electronic unless the Chair rules otherwise. Should the Chair grant an exception to the electronic roll call vote, the roll call vote by voice shall be by district numerical order except that the County Clerk shall rotate the order so that the member voting first shall have his/her name called last on the succeeding roll call vote by voice. This sequential rotation shall start with the Organizational Meeting and continue from meeting to meeting. The Chair shall always vote last.
h) Special Board meetings may be called at the joint request of the Chair and Vice-Chair or upon a written request by a majority of the members of the Board delivered to the County Clerk specifying the time and place of the meeting. Special Meetings require a five (5) day notice to the members before the meeting.
i) Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail regarding parliamentary procedure when not in conflict with any Board Rule.
j) County Board members shall attend meetings in person for a determination of a quorum, voting, and per diems.
k) Emergency Declaration Authorization Rules
i. Meetings may be held virtually, in full or part.
ii. A roll call determination of a quorum shall include members that appear virtually
iii. Those in attendance in person will use voting system first, once votes are locked, and then those members attending virtually shall be by roll call vote with sequential rotation of tallying. Roll call votes may be added to the voting system before votes are revealed.
iv. Members attending virtually shall receive per diems pursuant to the rules as if they physically attended the meeting.
v. If a closed session is called, members appearing virtually are responsible for ensuring their participation maintains the confidentiality of the closed session.
4. Agenda.
a) The order of reoccurring business shall be as follows: Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Minutes, Public Comment Period, Appointments, Announcements, County Treasurer's Report, County Financial Report, County Administrator's Report, Budget Adjustments, Resolutions, and Adjournment. Other business shall be prioritized and included by the Chair.
b) The County Clerk shall, at least five (5) days before each meeting of the Board (except when the Board is in continuous meeting), send to each member an itemized agenda containing copies of all resolutions and other matters to be considered by the Board. All items properly submitted by a committee and not withdrawn shall be placed on the agenda. The agenda shall be prepared by the County Clerk subject to the approval of the Chair.
c) All resolutions or other matters to be brought before the Board shall be reported to the County Clerk at least six days prior to the Board meeting in order to be placed on the agenda for consideration. Matters brought to the County Clerk which are not properly presented for inclusion on the agenda shall be referred to the appropriate committee by the Chair.
d) Matters brought up at a meeting which do not appear on the agenda shall not be discussed and shall be referred to the appropriate committee or placed on the next Board meeting agenda for discussion, as determined appropriate by the Chair.
5. Resolutions. Items, other than announcements, appointments or budget adjustments, coming before the Board for deliberation and action shall do so in the form of a resolution.
a) Resolutions shall be identified by number set by the County Clerk. Resolutions shall contain a heading that generally describes the resolution. Resolution shall contain at the bottom a purpose statement, a fiscal note and identify the drafter.
b) Resolutions received by members with the agenda need not be read. Any member may request that a resolution be read. Late resolutions not mailed with the agenda shall be read.
c) Any resolution or motion involving appropriation of money shall include a statement or a fiscal note that states the actual or anticipated cost and identifies the fund from which the money with be appropriated. The resolution shall be offered to the Finance Committee to allow comment on the proposed funding. The resolution shall state if more than a simple majority is required for passage and the size of majority. It shall further be determined that there has been compliance with Wisconsin Statute 65.90 (municipal budgets) and any appropriate County Board resolutions.
d) Any member who wishes a particular resolution be brought before the entire Board shall do so by use of Committee Rules.
e) All resolutions shall be reviewed by Corporation Counsel as to form and as to compliance with §65.90 Wis. Stats.
6. Per Diems.
a) Per diem for meetings will be paid on a monthly basis. Members who fail to attend some portion of the meeting, unless excused by the Chair, shall receive a reduced amount equal to one-half the allowable amount.
b) All reimbursement claims of members and other individuals eligible for per diem and other expenses shall be submitted pursuant to county practice or policy. Claims will be reviewed and allowed or denied by the Finance Committee in accordance with county policies, ordinances and state statute. Expense sheets are to be submitted to the County Clerk's Office in a timely manner in accordance with county practice and policy.
c) If an individual eligible to claim per diem attends two or more meetings on the same date, per diem shall be allowed for each meeting at which the individual is present for roll call and adjournment of each such meeting.
7. Amendment of Rules. No rule shall be changed, modified, or amended unless it is presented and voted on in resolution form at a regular meeting.
Committee Rules
Counties are authorized under §59.13 Wis. Stats. to established the purpose, duties, manner of reporting and remuneration of committees. Committees are as specified in the ordinances and statutes and charged with the duties and responsibilities therein. Committees shall exercise only the authority given them by the Board or law. Committees shall strive to give detailed attention to issues and present options and recommendations to the Board.
The County shall use three types of committees: standing, special (or adhoc) and advisory. Standing committees are set up to address continuing functions and have standing authority to act on behalf of the Board within an identified scope and area as set out in the ordinances or by rule or resolution. Special committees are temporary in nature designed to address an identified project and may do so within scope of authority set up by the Board under a duly enacted resolution, but are not to infringe on a standing committees jurisdiction. Advisory committees are for issue development and cannot have authority to act on behalf of the Board.
1. The chair of a committee shall ensure compliance with Wisconsin Statute Chapter 19, Subchapter V, Open Meetings of Governmental Bodies. The chair of the committee shall coordinate with the County Clerk in regards to conveying meeting notices to the media.
2. Prior approval of the appropriate committee is required for attending conventions, workshops, conferences and training sessions. Approval shall be recorded in committee minutes. The Board Chair is authorized to attend or designate a member to attend special meetings, etc.
3. If it is recorded in committee minutes that a representative from that committee is to attend a meeting of another committee or a committee- related function, per diem payment shall be allowed. If there is no time to obtain committee approval prior to the other meeting or function, the committee chair shall authorize attendance and it shall be retroactively approved at the next meeting by the committee.
4. The Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve as ex- officio members of all committees. The Chair and/or Vice-Chair, as ex-officio members, shall have the power to vote in a committee only in the event that the committee lacks a quorum.
5. Any member who wishes a particular resolution be brought before the entire Board shall do so by petitioning, in writing, the appropriate committee and filing a copy with the County Clerk. Said petition to bear the signatures of three (3) members and have the proposed resolution attached. A petition with more or less than three signatures shall be invalid. Upon presentation to the appropriate committee, the committee chair shall place it upon the committee agenda for discussion and comment at the next committee meeting. From that meeting, the petition and resolution with comments, shall be forwarded to the Board Chair to be considered at the next scheduled board meeting. Said resolution shall conform to all other requirements provided for in these Rules.
6. Committee chairs shall accept resolutions from individual members for committee deliberation at the next available meeting. The committee may take any action it sees fit on the resolution. Said resolution shall conform to all other requirements provided for in the Board and Committee Rules.
7. Committees shall use Robert's Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure unless County Rules dictate otherwise.
8. Committee chairs shall designate a member of the committee as Vice-Chair. The committee chairs shall select a recorder who shall record and forward a copy of the minutes to the County Clerk and posted on the county website within five business days of the meeting and send an approved copy when approved by the committee. The County Clerk shall keep these minutes on file for five years.